.Management Sciences
Category: Physiologic Form of Tooth and Periodontium
Mesial contact area of the permanent canine is at the______________?
A. Middle third
B. Junction of the incisal and middle thirds
C. Junction of the middle and cedrvical thirds
D. None of the above
Which of the following do not contribute to arch stability ?
A. Cusps
B. Root forms
C. Embrasures
D. Periodontal fibers
All embrasure spaces are reflection of the______________?
A. Form of the teeth involved
B. Size of the teeth involved
C. Eruption sequence involved
D. None of the above
Which four mandibular teeth are so aligned that when viewed from the occlusal, a straight line may be drawn bisecting the contact areas_____________?
A. 5,6,7,8
B. 4,5,6,7
C. 3,4,5,6
The mesial contact are of the permanent canine is at the_______________?
A. Middle third
B. Junction of incisal and medial thirds
C. Junction of the middle & cervical thirds
D. None of the above
The largest embrasure in posterior teeth is the__________?
A. Buccal
B. Distal
C. Lingual
D. Occlusal
The faciolingual angulation of the upper central incisor is approximately___________________?
A. 20°
B. 28°
C. 33°
D. 38°
Distal contact of upper first premolar is________________?
A. Lower than mesial contact area
B. Little cervical to junction of occlusal and middle third of crown
C. Higher than mesial contact area
D. A and B
Largest embrasure lies between______________?
A. Maxillary central incisors
B. Maxillary central and lateral incisor
C. Maxillary canine and first premolar
D. Maxillary lateral incisor and canine
The curvature of the cervical line of most teeth will be approximately____________?
A. 2 mm less distally than mesially
B. 1 mm less distally than mesially
C. 2 mm less lingually than buccally
D. 1 mm less lingually than buccally
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