.Management Sciences
Category: Calcification and Eruption of Teeth
A six- year molar begins to calcify at______________?
A. Six months IU
B. At birth
C. 1 years after birth
D. 3 years age
Maxillary primary cuspid enamel completion takes place at______________?
A. 6 months in utero
B. 6 months after birth
C. 9 months in utero
D. 9 months after birth
Beginning of eruption of permanent tooth starts_____________?
A. After completion of root
B. When apical third root is still to be formed
C. When half of the root is still to be formed
D. when root formation starts
A radiograph of 4- years old child reveals no evidence of calcification of mandibular second pre molar. This indicates______________?
A. It is too early to make final predication
B. The teeth may develop later
C. Primary second molar extracted to allow mesial drifting of permanent first molar
D. The child may never develop premolars
Calcification of permanent first molar usually begins in the_____________?
A. Third month of intrauterine life
B. In the sixth month of intrauterine life
C. At birth
D. In the third month of extra uterine life
The usual order of appearance of the primary teeth in the mouth is____________?
A. Central incisors, first molars, lateral incisors, second molars, canines
B. Central incisors, lateral incisors, canines, second molars, first molars
C. Central incisors, lateral incisors, first molars canines, second molars
D. Central incisors, lateral incisors, first molars second molars, canines
Generally in majority of children, the sequence of eruption of permanent teeth in mandible is____________?
A. 1-6-2-3-5-4-7-8
B. 6-1-2-4-5-3-7-8
C. 6-1-2-3-4-5-7-8
D. 6-1-2-4-3-5-7-8
The first macroscopic indication of morphologic development of primary incisors approximately at____________?
A. 11 weeks in utero
B. 14 weeks in utero
C. 16 weeks in utero
D. 6 weeks in utero
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