.Management Sciences
Category: Calcification and Eruption of Teeth
Which of the following is true about calcification of teeth ?
A. Calcification of primary teeth is almost complete at time of birth
B. Calcification of all primary teeth and few permanent teeth complete at birth
C. Calcification of all permanent teeth complete at birth
D. Calcification of primary teeth starts around birth
At birth the following teeth are calcifying____________?
A. Primary incisors & first molar
B. Primary canines & second molars
C. Permanent canines
D. Permanent 3rd molar
Growth of all permanent teeth except last molars is completed by___________?
A. 6 years
B. 8 years
C. 12 years
D. 17 years
First evidence of calcification of maxillary permanent central incisors occurs at_____________?
A. 3-4 months
B. 10-12 months
C. 2-3 years
D. 3-4 years
Which of the following is dental formula of a 9 years old child_____________?
A. 6 EDC21/ 6EDC21
C. EDC21/EDC21
D. 76EDC21/ 7EDC21
Which of these teeth are highly sturdy and usually the last ones to be lost ?
A. First molar
B. Central incisors
C. Canines
D. Premolars
The teeth that are retained for the longest period of time are__________________?
A. Maxillary incisors
B. Maxillary canines
C. Mandibular incisors
D. Mandibular canines
E. B & D
The last primary tooth to be replaced by a permanent tooth is usually the_____________?
A. Maxillary second molar
B. Mandibular second molar
C. Maxillary canine
D. Mandibular canine
Once the enamel formation is complete, the tooth will erupt after approximately______________?
A. One year
B. Two years
C. Three years
D. Four years
A new tooth is erupting in the mouth of a one and a half year old child. This tooth is most likely to be a decidous___________?
A. Maxillary central incisor
B. Mandibular lateral incisor
C. Maxillary lateral incisor
D. Maxillary canine
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