.Management Sciences
Category: Virology
The viral action is differentiated from bacterial action by_________________?
A. Interferon production
B. Toxin production
C. Lymphocytes production
D. Neutrophils production
The overall effect of HIV is to gradually impair the immune system by interference with______________?
A. Helper T lymphocytes
B. Natural killer cells
C. Plasma cells
D. Macrophages
Virus is cultured in_______________?
A. Saubourd’s agar
B. Rogosa medium
C. Nonembryonated egg
D. Embryonated egg
Type of Human papilloma virus associated with carcinoma cervix_____________?
A. Type 6,12,18
B. 16,18,31
C. 6,8,11
D. 3,10,19
During the Window period of patient with AIDS_______________?
A. ELISA IS – ve
B. Western Blot is – ve
C. Both are – ve
D. PCR is – ve
Salivary protein, which prevents transmission of human immunodeficiency virus via saliva, is____________?
A. Sialoperoxidase
B. Secretory IgA
C. Salivary leukocyte proteinase inhibitor
D. Histidine rich proteins
patients with organ transplants are most frequently infected with______________?
A. Hepatitis A
B. Hepatitis B
The following hepatitis virus is transmitted by faeco-oral route________________?
A. Hepatitis B virus
B. Hepatitis C virus
C. Hepatitis D virus
D. Hepatitis E virus
True about immune response of hepatitis B is__________________?
A. Antibody of HBs Ag is associated with resistance to infection
B. Antibody to HBC is not protective
C. Highest titres of anti HBC are found in persistent carriers of HBs Ag
D. CMI disappears soon after recover
Which of the following represents the serologic evidence of recent Hepatitis B virus infection during window period ?
A. HBs Ag
B. IgM anti – HBc
C. Anti HBs
D. None of the above
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