.Management Sciences
Category: Microbiology
Type of Human papilloma virus associated with carcinoma cervix_____________?
A. Type 6,12,18
B. 16,18,31
C. 6,8,11
D. 3,10,19
Rh incompatibility is which type of hyper sensitivity reaction ?
A. Type I
B. Type II
C. Type III
D. Type IV
During the Window period of patient with AIDS_______________?
A. ELISA IS – ve
B. Western Blot is – ve
C. Both are – ve
D. PCR is – ve
Salivary protein, which prevents transmission of human immunodeficiency virus via saliva, is____________?
A. Sialoperoxidase
B. Secretory IgA
C. Salivary leukocyte proteinase inhibitor
D. Histidine rich proteins
Endotoxins are produced by________________?
A. Fungi
B. Gram +ve bacteria
C. Virus
D. Gram -ve bacteria
Phagocytosis enhanced by coating the surface of antigen is called______________?
A. Opsonisation
B. Chemotaxis
C. De coding
All are true about legionella pneumophilia except______________?
A. Aquatic bodies are main habitat
B. It can replicate in amoeba
C. Urine test is a reliable method
D. Person to person transmission
The diagnosis of gonorrhea is established by_____________?
A. Compliment fixation tests
B. Pili agglutination tests
C. Haemagglutination tests
D. All of the above tests
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