.Management Sciences
Category: Bacteriology
Which of the following is true about tetanus acquired through traumatic wound ?
A. Clostridium tetani travels via the nerves to the anterior horn dells in spinal cord
B. The tetanospasmin component of the exotoxin act on the post-synaptic neurones and prevents impulse transmission
C. The patient should be given tetanus toxoid intravenously
D. Causes positive Nagler reaction
A protoplast is best characterized as a bacterial cell______________?
A. with a cell wall but free of a capsule
B. containing a cell wall and a capsule
C. Free of a cell wall and a capsule
D. Uniquely sensitive to penicillin
Gram -ve bacteria stain during gram staining____________?
A. Blue color
B. Red color
C. Green
D. Colorless
In initial stages of tyhoid, salmonella can be detected in________________?
A. Feacus
B. Urine
C. Blood
D. All of the above
Staphylococci typically occur in_________________?
A. Pairs
B. Chains
C. Tetrads
D. Irregular clusters
The commonest method of detection of diptheria carriers is_______________?
A. Schick test
B. Dick test
C. Casoni’s test
D. Charles’ test
The mechanism of genetic transfer where a phage serves as a vehicle is_______________?
A. Transduction
B. Translation
C. Lysogeny
D. Conjugation
The temperature required for cultivating mycobacterium________________?
A. 2 degree
B. 0 degree
C. 27 degrees
D. 37 degrees
True about VDRL test________________?
A. Non – Specific
B. Slide flocculation test
C. Best followed for drug therapy
D. All of the above
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