.Management Sciences
Category: Thermodynamics
The efficiency of a Carnot engine depends on_______________________?
A. working substance
B. design of engine
C. size of engine
D. type of fuel fired
E. temperatures of source and sink
According to Avogadro’s law, for a given pressure and temperature, each molecule of a gas_________________?
A. occupies volume proportional to its molecular weight
B. occupies volume proportional to its specific weight
C. occupies volume inversely proportional to its molecular weight
D. occupies volume inversely proportional to its specific weight
E. occupies same volume
On weight basis, air contains following parts of oxygen_________________?
A. 21
B. 23
C. 25
D. 73
E. 79
A perpetual motion machine is___________________?
A. a thermodynamic machine
B. a non-thermodynamic machine
C. a hypothetical machine
D. a hypothetical machine whose opera-tion would violate the laws of thermodynamics
E. an inefficient machine
The energy of molecular motion appears as________________?
A. heat
B. potential energy
C. surface tension
D. friction
E. increase in pressure
Temperature of a gas is produced due to________________?
A. its heating value
B. kinetic energy of molecules
C. repulsion of molecules
D. attraction of molecules
E. surface tension of molecules
Compressed air coming out from a punctured football___________________?
A. becomes hotter
B. becomes cooler1
C. remains at the same temperature
D. may become hotter or cooler depend-ing upon the humidity of the surround¬ing air
E. attains atmospheric temperature
The basis for measuring thermodynamic property of temperature is given by___________________?
A. zeroth law of thermodynamics
B. first law of thermodynamics
C. second law of thermodynamics
D. third law of thermodynamics
E. Avogadro’s hypothesis
The first law of thermodynamics is the law of_________________?
A. conservation of mass
B. conservation of energy
C. conservation of momentum
D. conservation of heat
E. conservation of temperature
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