.Management Sciences
Category: Steam Boilers, Engines, Nozzles and Turbines
The ratio of heat utilised to produce steam and the heat liberated in furnace is known as___________________?
A. boiler effectiveness
B. boiler evaporative capacity
C. factor of evaporation
D. equivalent evaporation
E. boiler efficiency
Fire tube boilers are those in which__________________?
A. flue gases pass through tubes and water around it
B. water passes through the tubes and flue gases around it
C. forced circulation takes place
D. tubes are laid vertically
E. none of the above
The overall efficiency of thermal power plant is________________?
A. boiler efficiency, turhine efficiecny, generator efficiency
B. all the three above plus gas cycle efficiency
C. carnot cycle efficiency
D. regenerative cycle efficiency
E. rankine cycle efficiency
Equivalent evaporation is the amount of water evaporated in a boiler from and at ____________________?
A. 0°C
B. 100°C
C. saturation temperature at given pressure
D. room temperature
E. 20°C
Natural water circulation, by convection in water tube boilers, with increase in pressure of boiler _________________?
A. increases
B. decreases
C. remains unaffected
D. first increases and then decreases
E. first decreases and then increases
The difference between cornish boiler and lancashire boiler is that_________________?
A. former is fire tube type and latter is water tube type boiler
B. former is water tube type and latter is fire tube type
C. former contains one fire tube and latter contains two fire tubes
E. none/of the above
Hard coke is produced by carborisation of coal at_______________?
A. atmospheric temperature
B. 500-600°C
C. 70O-850°C
D. 95O-1100°C
E. 120O-1500°C
Mechanical equivalent of heat for 1 kcal or Joule’s equivalent is equal to_________________?
A. 421 kgm
B. 421 kgm
C. 539 kgm
D. 102 kgm
E. 75 kgm
The safety valve at superheater as compared to drum safety valve setting is set at___________________?
A. higher value
B. lower value
C. same value
D. any value
E. none of the above
Feed water conditioning in thermal power plants in done to__________________?
A. reduce hardness and for removal of solids
B. increase efficiency-of thermal power plant
C. increase *heat transfer rate
D. increase steam parameters
E. all of the above
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