.Management Sciences
Category: Steam Boilers, Engines, Nozzles and Turbines
The specific volume of steam with increase in pressure decreases_____________________?
A. linearly
B. slowly first and then rapidly
C. rapidly first and then slowly
D. inversely
E. none of the above
The equivalent evaporation of a boiler is a measure to compare _________________?
A. the given boiler with the model
B. the two different boilers of the same make
C. two different makes of boilers operat¬ing under the same operating conditions
D. two boilers of same make but operaing under different conditions
E. any type of boilers operating under any conditions
The state of vapour under saturation condition is described by_______________?
A. pressure alone
B. temperature alone
C. pressure and temperature
D. pressure and dryness fraction
E. dryness fraction alone
Hard coke is used in________________?
A. cement industry
B. thermal power plant
C. blast furnace
D. domestic use
E. locomotives
Which of the following is a water tube boiler_________________?
A. locomotive boiler
B. Cochran boiler
C. Cornish boiler
D. Babcock and Wilcox boiler
E. Lancashire boiler
Primary air is the air used to__________________?
A. provide air around burners for obtaining optimum combustion
B. transport and dry the coal
C. convert CO (formed in lower zone of furnace) into C02 at higher zone
D. air-delivered by forced draft fan
E. none ot the above
Boiler stays are used to___________________?
A. prevent flat surfaces under pressure from tearing apart
B. take care of failure in shear
C. take care of failure in compression
D. provide support for boiler
E. provide foundation of boiler
The crown of the fire box is made hemispherical in order to___________________?
A. give maximum space
B. give maximum strength
C. withstand pressure inside boiler ,
D. resist intense heat in fire box
E. enable easy,manufacture
The function of injector used in small steam plants is to________________?
A. create vacuum in furnace
B. create vacuum at turbine exhaust
C. pump feed water
D. dose chemicals in feed water
E. control steam temperature by injecting water
On Mollier chart, flow through turbine is represented by ________________?
A. horizontal straight line
B. vertical straight line
C. straight inclined line
D. curved line
E. none of the above
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