.Management Sciences
Category: Production Technology
Merit Rating is the method of determining worth of_______________?
A. a job
B. an individual employee
C. a particular division in workshop
D. machine
E. overall quality
Choose the wrong statement Time study is used to_________________?
A. determine overhead expenses
B. provide a basis for setting piece prices or incentive wages
C. determine standard costs
D. determine the capability of an operator to handle the number of machines
E. compare alternative methods
Slack of various events on the critical path in PERT/CPM chart___________________?
A. increases continuously
B. decreases continuously
C. remains constant
D. may increase or decrease depending on various factors
E. unpredictable
Scheduling gives information about____________________?
A. when work should start and how much work should be completed during a certain period
B. when work should complete
C. that how idle time can be minimized
D. proper utilisation of machines
E. none of the above
Micro motion study is__________________?
A. analysis of a man-work method by using a motion picture camera with a timing device in the field of view
B. motion study* observed on enhanced time intervals
C. motion study of a sequence of operations conducted systematically
D. study of man and machine conducted simultaneously
E. scientific, analytically procedure for determining optimum work method
Which of the following organisations is best suited for steel plants__________________?
A. functional organisation
B. line organisation
C. staff organisation
D. line, staff and functional organisations
E. scalar organisation
Gnatt charts provide information about_____________?
A. break even point analysis
B. production schedule
C. material handling layout
D. determining selling price
E. value analysis
For ship vessel industry the following layout is best suited_________________?
A. process layout
B. product layout
C. fixed position layout
D. plant layout
E. functional layout
O on a PERT/CPM chart represents____________________?
A. an ordinary event
B. a significant event representing some mile-stone
C. an event to be transferred to other network chart
D. dangling event
E. dummy event
Which of the following incentive plansrensures a part of the swing to the worker and rest to the employer_______________?
A. Emerson efficiency plan
B. Taylor plan
C. Halsey premium plan
E. Gilberth plan
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