.Management Sciences
Category: Nuclear Power Plants
The mass number of a substance represents the sum of total number of___________________?
A. protons and neutrons in an atom
B. protons and electrons in an atom
C. neutrons and electrons in an atom
D. protons and neutrons in a nucleus
E. protons and electrons in a nucleus
Breeder reactor has a conversion ratio of_____________________?
A. unity
B. more than unity
C. less than unity
D. zero
E. infinity
The unit of radio-activity is_____________?
A. electron-volt
B. electron-ampere
C. curie
D. MeV
Natural uranium is made up of__________________?
A. 99.282% U238, 0.712% U235, 0.006% U234
B. 99.282% U235, 0.712% U238, 0.06%’ U234
C. 99.282% U234, 0.712% U238, 0.006% U235
D. 99.282% U235, 0.712% U234, 0.006% U238
E. none of the above
A boiling water reactor uses following as fuel________________?
A. enriched uranium
B. plutonium
C. thorium
D. U
E. natural uranium.
The energy required to be applied to a radioactive nucleus for the emission of a neutron is________________?
A. 1 MeV
B. 2.4 MeV
C. 4.3 MeV
D. 7.8 MeV
E. 20 MeV
Plutonium is produced________________?
A. as basic raw material
B. by neutron irradiation of Uz
C. by neutron irradiation of throium
D. artificially
E. in high capacity furnace
Which of the following nuclear reactor does not need a heat exchanger for generation of steam____________________?
A. gas cooled
B. liquid metal cooled
C. pressurised water
D. boiling water
E. none of the above
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