.Management Sciences
Category: Nuclear Power Plants
Artificial radioactive isotopes find application in________________?
A. power generation
B. nucleonic devices
C. nuclear fission
D. nuclear fusion
E. medical field
A fission chain reaction in uranium can be developed by________________?
A. slowing down fast neutrons so that Uz fission continues by slow motion neutrons
B. accelerating fast neutrons
C. absorbing all neutrons
D. using moderator
E. enriching U235
Atomic number of an element in the periodic table represents the numbers of_________________?
A. protons in the nucleus
B. electrons in me nucleus
C. neutrons in the nucleus
D. electrons in the atom
E. neutrons in the atom
The fast breeder reactor uses the following moderator__________________?
A. demineralised water
B. carbon dioxide
C. heavy water
D. graphite
E. no moderator is used
Breeder reactors employ liquid metal coolant because it_______________?
A. acts as good moderator
B. produces maximum steam
C. transfers heat from core at a fast rate
D. breeds neutrons
E. increases rate of reaction in core
When a reactor becomes critical, then the production of neutrons is_________________?
A. infinite
B. zero
C. exactly balanced by the loss of neutrons through leakage
D. initiated
E. stopped
Which of the following is the heaviest________________?
A. neutron
B. proton
C. atom
D. electron
E. nucleus
In triggering fission, the following types of neutrons are desirable_________________?
A. fast moving
B. slow moving
C. critical neutrons
D. neutrons at rest
E. none of the above
A fast breeder reactor__________________?
A. uses graphite rods as moderator
B. has powerful moderator
C. has no moderator
D. uses ferrite material as moderator
E. uses pressurised water as moderator
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