.Management Sciences
Category: Compressors, Gas Turbines and Jet Engines
A compressor at high altitude will draw________________?
A. more power
B. less power
C. same power
D. more/less power depending on other factors
E. none of the above
Maximum work is done in compressing air when the compression is_________________?
A. isothermal
B. adiabatic
C. polytropic
D. any one of the above
E. none of the above
The working fluid in ai turbine is___________________?
A. in two phases
B. in three phases
C. in a single phase
D. in the form of air and water mixture
E. gas and no air
Volumetric efficiency is_____________________?
A. the ratio of stroke volume to clearance volume
B. the ratio of the air actually delivered to the amount of piston displacement
C. reciprocal of compression ratio
D. index of compressor performance
E. proportional to compression ratio
Axial flow compressor has the following advantage over centrifugal compressor__________________?
A. larger air handling ability per unit frontal area
B. higher pressure ratio per stage
C. aerofoil blades are used
D. higher average velocities
E. none of the above
The area of actual indicator diagram on an air compressor as compared to area of ideal indicator diagram is_____________________?
A. less
B. more
C. same
D. more/less depending on compressor capacity
E. unpredictable
The ratio of isentropic work to euler’s work is known as _____________________?
A. compressor efficiency
B. isentropic efficiency
C. Euler’s efficiency
D. pressure coefficient
E. pressure ratio
An ideal air compressor cycle without clearance on p-v diagram can be represented by following processes________________?
A. one adiabatic, two isobaric, and one constant volume
B. two adiabatic and two isobaric
C. two adiabatic, one isobaric and one constant volume
D. one adiabatic, one isobaric and two constant volume
E. two isobaric, two adiabatic and one constant volume
The jnaximum combustion pressure in gas turbine as compared to I.C. engine is_________________?
A. more
B. less
C. same
D. depends on other factors
E. unpredictable
During peak load periods, the best method of controlling compressors is___________________?
A. start-stop motor
B. constant speed unloader
C. relief valve
D. variable speed
E. none of the above
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