.Management Sciences
Category: Pakistan Constitution 1973
Under Article 90 of the Constitution of 1973 the executive authority of the Federation shall be exercised in the name of President by ?
A. The President
B. Prime Minister
C. Both (a) and (b)
D. None of above
A resolution for vote of no confidence needs to be moved by not less than ____________ % members of National Assembly against the Prime-Minister?
A. 20%
B. 40%
C. 50%
D. None of above
Article __________ of the Constitution, 1973 provided safeguard against taxation for the purpose any particular religion ?
A. 20
B. 21
C. 22
D. None of above
__________ is Upper House of Parliament?
A. National Assembly
B. Senate
C. Provisional Assembly
D. None of above
Article 182 of the Constitution of 1973 deals with appointment of___________________?
A. Ad hoc Registrar of Supreme Court
B. Ad hoc Judges of Supreme Court
C. Ad hoc appointment of Supreme Court Staff
D. None of above
Constitution of 1973 provide ___________ kind of Parliament?
A. Uni cameral
B. Bi cameral
C. Tri cameral
D. None of above
In Constitution of 1973 minimum age limit for President is held __________________?
A. 35 years
B. 45 years
C. 55 years
D. None of above
Definition of the State is provided in Article __________ of the Constitution of 1973?
A. 7
B. 8
C. Both A and B
D. None of above
Article 15, of the Constitution of 1973 provided freedom of______________?
A. Speech
B. Movement
C. Schooling
D. None of above
Article _________ of the Constitution of 1973 describes procedure for introduction and passing of bills in Parliament?
A. Article 70
B. Article 71
C. Article 72
D. None of above
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