.Management Sciences
Category: Court Fees Act of 1870
Section 21, of the Court Fees Act, provide that a table of process fee shall be exposed to view in conspicuous part of______________?
A. Tax officer office
B. Revenue Reocrd Room
C. Each Court
D. None of these
Section 26 of the Court Fees Act, 1870 provide that_____________________?
A. The stamps to be impressed
B. The stamps to be adhesive
C. Both A and B
D. None of these
For pre-emption suits value of Court fees would be_______________?
A. Five times of the revenue so payable
B. Ten times of the revenue so payable
C. None of the above
D. None of these
As per section 29, of the Court Fees Act, where any such document is amended in order merely to correct a mistake and to make it conform to the original intention of the parties_________________?
A. It shall be necessary to impose a fresh stamp
B. It shall not be necessary to impose fresh stamp
C. Depends upon courts discretion
D. None of these
The term “Ad-Valorem Court Fee” used in the Court Fee Act, 1870 denotes___________________?
A. According to the aluation of the subject satisfactory ascertainable
B. Value of subject matter to certain conditions
C. None of the above
D. None of these
Ascertainment of Court fee is duty of the_______________?
A. Government
B. Court
C. Litigant
D. None of these
Section 33, of the Court Fees Act, deals with admission in ________________ cases of documents for which proper Court fee has not been paid ?
A. Civil Cases
B. Criminal cases
C. Family cases
D. None of these
Section 23, of the Court Fees Act, deals with number of peons in_______________?
A. Courts
B. Revenue Court
C. Criminal Courts
D. None of these
The relevant provision of Court Fees Act, 1870 for refunding of fee on application for review of judgment is_________________?
A. Section 13-A
B. Section, 14
C. Section, 15
D. None of these
The section dealing with “Computation of Fee” payable in certain suit for money is______________?
A. Section 6,
B. Section 7,
C. Section 10,
D. None of these
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