.Management Sciences
Category: Civil Procedure 1908
Order VII, Rule 9, of C.P.C. deals with_________________?
A. Procedure of admitting plaint
B. Procedure of admitting written statement
C. Procedure of collecting Court fee
D. None of the these
Every document produced in Court___________________?
A. Can be submitted without endorsement
B. Shall be endorsed
C. Both A and B
D. None of the these
As per Order VII, Rule 3, of C.P.C. where the subject matter of the suit is immovable property the plaint shall________________?
A. Contains reflection of that property
B. Contain a description of the property sufficient to identify it
C. Both A and B
D. None of the these
Local commission to make local investigation can be issued under ______________?
A. O. XXIV, R. 9, of C.P.C.
B. O. XXVI, R. 9, of C.P.C.
C. O. XXV, R. 9, of C.P.C.
D. None of the these
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