.Management Sciences
Category: Civil Procedure 1908
O._________ of C.P.C. deals with adjournments ?
C. Both (a) and (b)
D. None of the these
Ex parte order can be passed in favour of ___________________?
A. Plaintiff
B. Defendant
C. Both (a) and (b)
D. None of the these
A witness who submits affidavit can be ordered by Court for ____________ as provided in O.XIX,R.2,?
A. 2nd affidavit
B. Application for submission of affidavit
C. Cross examination of deponents
D. None of the these
In case of a suit against the Provincial Government other than a suit relating to the affairs of Railway the notice shall be served to_________________?
A. The Secretary of that Government
B. The Collector of the District
C. Both A and B
D. None of the these
Where the appeal is not dismissed under Rule 12 of Order XLI, of C.P.C. the appellate Court shall send notice of appeal to___________________?
A. High Court
B. The Court from whose decree the appeal is referred
C. None of the above
D. None of the these
Order XV III, R. 5, to 12 are not applicable to_________________?
A. Presidency Small Causes Courts
B. Provincial Small Causes Courts
C. High Courts
D. None of the these
O. XXXIX, Rule 7, of C.P.C Court pass interlocutory order_______________?
A. On its own discretion
B. On application of any party
C. On instruction of Court officer
D. None of the these
The __________ shall agree with the judgment and it shall contain the number of the suits the names and description of the parties and shall specify clearly the relief granted and the cost etc ?
A. Judgment
B. Order
C. Decree
D. None of the these
___________ can not be arested during execution of money decree?
A. Women
B. Old person
C. Both (a) and (b)
D. None of the these
Order XLIX, deals with________________?
A. High Court
B. Provincial small causes courts
C. Special Court
D. None of the these
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