.Management Sciences
Category: Civil Procedure 1908
Under Order XXXVII, summary cases can be filed in___________________?
A. Court of Session
B. High Court
C. Both A and B
D. None of the these
Women who according to customs and manners of the country ought not to be compelled to appear in public shall be exempt from personal appearance in Court as provided in_________________?
A. Section 122, C.P.C
B. Section 132, C.P.C
C. Section 142, C.P.C
D. None of the these
Section 100, 101, and 102, of C.P.C. with deals with appeal to_______________?
A. High Court
B. Federal Shariat Court
C. Supreme Court
D. None of the these
When defendant deposit an amount in Court and give notice to plaintiff to apply for smount interest on deposit not allowed to the plaintiff _________________?
A. Before issuance of defendant
B. After inssuance of notice
C. None of the above
D. None of the these
When plaintiff appeared defendant does not appeared and summons are duly served the Court may proceed ex-parte against defendant as provided by ______________?
A. O. IX, Rule 4, of C.P.C.
B. O. IX, Rule 6, of C.P.C.
C. O. IX, Rule 8,
D. None of the these
O. XL, Rule 3 of C.P.C deals with appointment of______________ as receiver?
A. Any person
B. Judge
C. Collector
D. None of the these
Order XL, of C.P.C deals with_________________?
A. Appointment of receiver
B. Appointment of local commission
C. Appointment of site commissioner
D. None of the these
All persons having an interest either in the mortgage security or in the right of redemption shall be joined as parties______________?
A. In mortgage document
B. In a suit relating to mortagage
C. None of the above
D. None of the these
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