.Management Sciences
Category: Civil Procedure 1908
The power enjoyed by Court to fulfill needs of justice in absence of specific provision of C.P.C are called ________________?
A. Natural powers
B. Delegated powers
C. Inherent powers
D. None of the these
A book in which Appellate Court register appeal is called __________________?
A. Register of appeal
B. Record of appeal
C. Book of new entries
D. None of the these
O. XXXIV, R. 3, of C.P.C. deals with __________________ decree in foreclosure suit?
A. Preliminary
B. Final
C. Both A and B
D. None of the these
O. XXI, R. 44, deals with attachment of__________________?
A. Industrial produce
B. Agricultural produce
C. Moveable property
D. None of the these
Where the evidence of a witness is necessary but the person to be examined is out of Pakistan the Court may________________?
A. Issue commission
B. Issue a letter of request
C. Both A and B
D. None of the these
Order________________ of C.P.C. deals with arrest and attachment before judgment?
A. Order XXXVII,
C. Order XXXIX,
D. Non of these
Every summons for the attendance of a person to give evidence or to produce a document shall specify the time and place at which he is required to attend as provided in ___________________?
A. O. XVI, Rule 4, of C.P.C.
B. O. XVI, Rule 5, of C.P.C.
C. O. XVI, Rule 6, of C.P.C.
D. None of the these
As per O. IX, Rule 2, of C.P.C. where summons not served in consequence of plaintiff failure to pay cost, the Court ?
A. May dismissed the suit
B. May order for summon at Courts expenses
C. None of the above
D. None of the these
In a suit for foreclosure if the plaintiff succeded the Court shall pass a_______________?
A. Preliminary decree
B. Final decree
C. Ex-parte decree
D. None of the these
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