.Management Sciences
Category: Civil Procedure 1908
Urgent mail service or courier service is __________ way of summon servings?
A. Ordinary
B. Substituted
C. None of the above
D. None of the these
Provided that when the ______________ of a case has once begun the hearing of the suit shall be continued from day to day ?
A. Litigation
B. Adjournment
C. Evidence
D. None of the these
Normally __________ is called appellate Court?
A. Court of Civil Judge First Class
B. Court of District Judge
C. High Court
D. None of the these
Order declaring a party pauper for the purpose of payment of Court fee is __________ order?
A. Revisable
B. Appealable
C. Reviewable
D. None of the these
Order V, of C.P.C deals with______________________?
A. Issue and service of summons
B. Issuance of warrant
C. Issuance of precept
D. None of the these
Order XLI, Rule 27, of C.P.C empowers Appellate Court_________________?
A. With recording or submission of additional evidence
B. Dismissal of suit after recording additional evidence
C. None of the above
D. None of the these
Denial by defendant________________?
A. Must be specific
B. Must be relevant
C. Must be pointed out
D. None of the these
Order XXXIX, Rule 4, of C.P.C deals with_________________?
A. Extention of injuctive order
B. Discharge or setting aside of injunctive order
C. Costs upon defendant
D. None of the these
When a witness for attendance of whom summons were issued intentionally avoid from receiving summons the Court may make order for___________________?
A. Proclamation
B. Attachment of that witness property
C. Both (a) and (b)
D. None of the these
Where a plaintiff or petitioner failed to file an address for service of summon or notices his plaint or petition ?
A. Shall be rejected
B. Shall be send to District Court
C. Shall be rejected with cost
D. None of the these
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