.Management Sciences
Category: Salivary & Thyroid Glands
Sensory supply to soft palate is by all except______________?
A. Lesser Palatine nerve
B. Glossopharyngeal nerve
C. Vigus Nerve
D. Maxillary nerve
Parasympathetic nerve supply to salivary gland is by____________?
A. VII and IX cranial nerves
B. IX and X cranial nerves
C. V and X cranial nerves
D. VII and IX spinal nerves
The level of branching of common carotid artery_______________?
A. Upper border of thyroid cartilage
B. Lower borer of cricoid
C. Upper border of cricoid
D. Hyoid
Submandibular gland is situated in____________?
A. Digastric triangle
B. Carotid triangle
C. Muscular triangle
D. Deep to hyoglossus muscle
Superior parathyroid glands are derived from________________?
A. 1st branchial pouch
B. 2nd branchial pouch
C. 3rdbranchial pouch
D. 4thbranchial pouch
Inferior thyroid artery arises from_________________?
A. 1st part of subclavian artery
B. Thyrocervical trunk of 1st part of subclavian artery
C. 3rd part of subclavian artery
D. Internal carotid artery
During inferior alveolar nerve block the needle of LA syringe is penetrated into parotid gland which of the following structure is most likely to be penetrated_____________?
A. Lingual nerve
B. Lingual artery
C. Internal carotid artery
D. External carotid artery
Surgical excision of parotid gland endangers which of the following structures ______________?
A. Hypoglossal nerve
B. Motor nerve of the muscles of mastication
C. External carotid artery, auriculotemporal nerve, facial nerve
D. Lesser occipital nerve and spinal accessory nerve
The relation of facial nerve branches to parotid gland is __________________ ?
A. Deep
B. Superficial
C. In the substance of parotid
D. None
Which of the following muscle divides the sub- mandibular gland into a superficial and deep part ?
A. Genioglossus
B. Mylohyoid
C. Sternohyoid
D. Digastric
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