.Management Sciences
Category: General Anatomy Mcqs
Pulsations felt in the suprasternal space are probably due to ____________?
A. Subclavian artery
B. Common carotid artery
C. Inferior thyroid artery
D. Vertebral artery
The lymphatic drainage from the tip of tongue first passes to ____________?
A. Submental nodes
B. Supra clavicular node
C. Sub mandibular nodes
D. Superior deep cervical nodes
The secretomotor supply of the parotid gland is through_________________?
A. Otic ganglion
B. Gasserian ganglion
C. Geniculate ganglion
D. Submandibular ganglion
All are sensory to the palate except_____________?
A. Maxillary division of the trigeminal nerve
B. Facial nerve
C. Glossopharyngeal nerve
D. Hypoglossal nerve
Anterior belly of digastric is supplied by ____________?
A. Branch of mandibular nerve
B. Branch of facial nerve
C. Branch of cervical plexus
D. Hypoglossal nerve
Pregarglionic parasympatnetic fibres to the Otic ganglion are carried in the______________?
A. Greater petrosal nerve
B. Lesser petrosal nerve
C. Chorda tympani
D. Auriculotemporal nerve
Main arterial supply of the tonsil is from_____________?
A. Facial artery
B. Ascending pharyngeal artery
C. Palatine artery
D. Greater palatine artery
Mental spines provide attachment to_____________?
A. Genioglossus
B. Anterior & Posterior bellies of digastric
C. Mylohyoid
D. Superior constrictor of pharynx
True about subclvatian artery_______________?
A. Principal artery of upper limb
B. Right subclavian artery is a branch of brachioceplialic artery
C. Left subclavian artery is a branch of arch of aorta
D. Internal thoracic, verterbraland thyro cervical trunk are branches of subclavian artery
E. All of the above
The growth and development in the craniofacial region occurs in following order_______________?
A. The head first, then width of face and length (or) depth of face after wards.
B. the width of face, then head and length (or) depth of face after wards
C. The length ( or) depth of face then width of face and the head
D. The head first , length (or) depth of face and then width of face
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