.Management Sciences
Category: Muscles of Head and Neck
The lacrimal gland is located in a groove which is overlap by_______________?
A. Levator palpebrae superioris muscle
B. Lateral rectus
C. inferior oblique
D. Superior oblique
Stapedius muscle is supplied by _________ nerve ?
A. Facial
B. Vagus
C. Glossopharyngeal
D. Trochlear
All of the following muscles are attached to oblique line of thyroid cartilage except_______________?
A. Superior constrictor
B. Inferior constrictor
C. Thyrohyoid
D. Sternothyroid
Which muscles make up the pterygomandibular raphae______________?
A. Masseter anteiorly and occulomotor
B. Masseter anteriorly and middle pterygoid
C. Buccinator anterior and superior constrictor
D. Buccinator anteriorly and middle constrictor
Which of the following is correct ?
A. Hard palate is formed by maxilla, palatine and vomer bone.
B. Levator palatine forms a delicated tendon which winds round the pterygoid hamulus and flattens out to form the palatine aponeurosis
C. All the constrictors of pharynx are inserted into median raphae on the posterior wall of the pharynx.
D. The posterior wall of pharynx, the upper part of thyropharyngeus is a multiple sheet of muscle and is overlapped by the upper and middle constrictors.
Temporalis muscle is inserted into_________________?
A. Condylar process
B. Coronioid process
C. Linguula
D. Ramus of mandible nerve
Which of the following accessory ligaments of the TMJ is likely to have significance upon mandibular movements ?
A. Sphenomandibular
B. Stylomandibular
C. Pterygomandibular
D. All of the above
Facial muscles are derived from_________________?
A. 1st branchial arch
B. 2ndbranchial arch
C. 3rdbranchial arch
D. 4thbranchial arch
Muscles spared by complete transaction of cranial part of accessory nerve_______________?
A. Cricopharyngeus
B. Palatopharyngeus
C. Stylopharyngeus
D. Salpingopharyngeus
The ansa cervicalis innervates which muscle_______________?
A. Mylohyoid
B. Cricothyroid
C. Stylohyoid
D. Sternothyroid
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