Synonym of “endeavor” is _________? Hamad Synonyms Mcqs 15/12/2024 0A. to ignore B. intend C. attempt earnestly D. bring about
Synonym of “succulent” is _________? Hamad Synonyms Mcqs 14/12/2024 0A. asking help B. wicked C. anxious D. concise E. juicy
Synonym of “pedagogue” is _________? Hamad Synonyms Mcqs 14/12/2024 0A. demagogue B. peddler C. bicyclist D. teacher E. pupil
The Synonym of Farrago is_____________? Hamad Synonyms Mcqs 14/12/2024 0A. Fear of strangers B. A confused mixture C. Free of cost D. Synopsis
Synonym of “surmise” is _________? Hamad Synonyms Mcqs 13/12/2024 0A. a guess B. summary C. authoritative statement D. prediction
Synonym of YOKE is _____________? Hamad Synonyms Mcqs 12/12/2024 0A. Detach B. Harness C. Release D. Liberate
Synonym of “warn” is _________? Hamad Synonyms Mcqs 09/12/2024 0A. alert B. be quick C. provoke D. deceive
Synonym of “pococurante” is ___________. Hamad Synonyms Mcqs 08/12/2024 0A. native B. hot C. blase D. hidden
Synonym of PRECARIOUS is _____________? Hamad Synonyms Mcqs 08/12/2024 0A. Safe B. Brittle C. Perilous D. none of these
Synonym of “impend” is _________? Hamad Synonyms Mcqs 08/12/2024 0A. rely B. ponder C. menace D. reflect
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