.Management Sciences
Category: Miscellaneous Literature Mcqs
The prevailing feature of Chaucer’s humour is its__________________?
A. urbanity
B. crudity
C. triviality
D. sanctity
The literary figure who had the most pronounced effect on Keats was_______________?
A. Dante
B. Shakespeare
C. Wordsworth
D. Shelley
The most popular French playwright, Jean Baptiste Poquelin, is known as______________?
A. Caleron
B. Corneille
C. Couperin
D. Moliere
‘I count religion but a childish toy’ is a line from Marlowe’s play______________?
A. Dr. Faustus
B. The Jew of Malta
C. Tamburlaine
D. Edward II
‘Andrea Del Sarto’ is a poem written by_________________?
A. Tennyson
B. Browning
C. Keats
D. T. S. Eliot
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