.Management Sciences
Category: Miscellaneous Literature Mcqs
‘Sweet are the uses of adversity’ was stated by__________________?
A. Valtaire
B. Shakespeare
C. Milton
D. Tolstoy
What do you mean by Stanza ?
A. a division of drama
B. a division of novel
C. a division of story
D. a subdivision of a poem
One of these men did NOT write during the Restoration period. Who ?
A. John Milton
B. Thomas Otway
C. Sir Walter Scott
D. John Dryden
‘Adela’ is a character from_______________?
A. A Passage to India
B. Paradise Lost
C. Hamlet
D. Doctor Faustus
Emile Zola is a famous__________________?
A. English novelist
B. American Novelist
C. Irish novelist
D. French Novelist
This work was written before the other three choices ?
A. Bede’s “An Ecclesiastical History of the English People”
B. Julian of Norwhich’s “Book of Showings”
C. Chaucer’s “Canterbury Tales”
D. Sir Thomas More’s “Utopia”
Which of the following is illustrative of Ruskin’s interest in social economy ?
A. The Seven Lamps
B. Unto this Last
C. The Stones of Venice
D. None of these
In which of the following Genres did Victorian Literature achieve its greatest success_______________?
A. Epic Poetry
B. Lyric Poetry
C. The Essay
D. The Novel
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