.Management Sciences
Category: Literary Theory and Criticism
Which of the following best defines the work of a deconstructionist critic ?
A. Calling into question the possibility of the coherence of discourse
B. Suggesting that the study of literature is based on the breakdown of language into signs
C. Arguing that language, and therefore literary texts, relies on the difference between terms and therefore constantly defers meaning.
D. All of the above answers are correct.
New trends in literary theory tend to do which of the following ?
A. Reject all previous modes of literary theory
B. Focus on a return to traditional critical methods
C. Make use of different literary theories in order to develop new theories
D. Work only with ideas developed by post- Marxist theorists
What is defamiliarization ?
A. A term that describes how literature exposes its own artificiality
B. An idea explored by Viktor Shklovsky
C. A term that describes the capacity of art to counter the effects of habit
D. All of the above answers are correct.
Who called Aristotle “the very Alexander of criticism” ?
A. Saintsbury
B. Murray
C. Atkins
D. Tyllard
In general, what is Judith Butler’s concept of gender ?
A. Women’s gender is artificial, while men’s gender is not.
B. While gender is not real, the stereotypes that accompany it are true.
C. Gender is largely a cultural construct.
D. All of the above answers are correct.
What does Edward Said argue about the concept of the Orient ?
A. It has little relationship to the colonization of Asian countries by the West.
B. It illustrates the fundamental political equality of all nations.
C. It was produced by Western scholarship.
D. All of the above answers are correct.
Which theorist is most closely associated with the idea of art as imitation ?
A. Jacques Derrida
B. Jacques Lacan
C. Edward Said
D. Plato
Which of the following is a theme of Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick’s book Epistemology of the Closet ?
A. Understanding sexuality is crucial to understanding culture.
B. Understanding homosexuality has little effect on understanding culture.
C. Literary study is unaffected by a lack of interest in sexuality.
D. All of the above answers are correct.
Christopher Ricks would most likely DISAGREE with which of the following claims about literary theory ?
A. Literary theory is limited in its ability to interpret a text.
B. Literary theory often depends on esoteric knowledge to be properly understood.
C. Literary theory is employed mostly by academics.
D. Literary theory is the only proper way to conceptualize literary texts.
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