.Management Sciences
Category: Famous playwright, poet and others
Who is the heroin of The Tempest ?
A. Ophelia
B. Desdemona
C. Miranda
D. Helena
John Milton’s “Comus” is best described by which of the following genres ?
A. Pastoral elegy
B. Prose polemic
C. Blank verse tragedy
D. Masque
Which best describes Bloom’s attitude towards nationalism ?
A. he is deeply invested in the nationalist cause
B. he hopes to join the IRB
C. he is disinterested in nationalism
D. he is opposed to the nationalist cause
Fill in the blank. The plot of “Venus and Adonis” is based on passages from_____________?
A. The Bible
B. A Christopher Marlowe play
C. Ovid’s Metamorphoses
D. An early Shakespeare play
In which style did John Milton write the poem Paradise Lost ?
A. Free verse
B. Vers libre
C. Regular meter
D. blank verse
Which character says he “fear[s] those big words that make us so unhappy” ?
A. Stephen Dedalus
B. Mr. Deasy
C. Gabriel Conroy
D. Leopold Bloom
Who is Pip’s friend in London ?
A. Pumblechook
B. Herbert Pocket
C. Bentley Drummle
D. Jaggers
The line “To be or not to be” comes from which play ?
A. Macbeth
B. Twelfth Night
C. A Midsummer Night’s dream
D. Hamlet
Which of the following statements is/are TRUE concerning Puritanism ?
A. There is an emphasis on the importance of preaching.
B. There is an emphasis on spiritual experience.
C. There is an emphasis on the freedom of sexual expression.
D. A and B
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