.Management Sciences
Category: Famous playwright, poet and others
With which character in The Odyssey does Molly Bloom best correspond ?
A. Nausicaa
B. Aeolus
C. Penelope
D. Telemachus
John Milton’s “Paradise Regained” is most similar in linguistic style to what books from “Paradise Lost” ?
A. Three and Four
B. Five and Six
C. Eight and Nine
D. Eleven and Twelve
Who was the last person the monster kills in the novel Frankenstein ?
A. Elizabeth
B. William
C. Clerval
D. Justine
The English Civil War was waged between what two political groups ?
A. Royalists and Monarchists
B. Royalists and Parliamentarians
C. Parliamentarians and Roundheads
D. Anarchists and Royalists
In Shakespeare’s “Venus and Adonis,” how is Adonis killed ?
A. In a hunting accident
B. By Venus
C. By execution
D. By old age
What was the first published title of Christopher Marlow’s play The Jew of Malta ?
A. The Tragedy of the Jew of Malta
B. The Tragedy of the Rich Jew of Malta
C. The Famous Tragedy of the Rich Jew of Malta
D. The Story of the Rich Jew of Malta
What poets before Milton were famous for writing epics ?
A. Virgil, Shakespeare, and Spenser
B. Homer, Virgil, and Spenser
C. Chaucer, Shakespeare, and Spenser
D. Gilgamesh, Petrarch, and Dryden
What event occurs in the final lines of John Milton’s “Paradise Lost” ?
A. Adam and Eve hold hands and walk across an arid plain.
B. Adam and Eve promise to be fruitful and multiply.
C. Adam and Eve curse their God.
D. Adam and Eve curse Satan.
Which Welsh poet wrote “Under Milk Wood ? “
A. Anthony Hopkins
B. Richard Burton
C. Tom Jones
D. Dylan Thomas
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