.Management Sciences
Category: Macbeth
“ Some born great, some achieve greatness And some have greatness thrust upon them”. Above lines are taken from which of following plays ?
A. Macbeth
B. Othello
C. Twelfth night
D. As you like it
In 1599 which famous actor and his brother Cuthbert set a new playhouse on the Bank side, called the Globe ?
A. Augustine Phillipps
B. John Heimnge
C. Henry Condell
D. Richard Burbage
Othello was a _________________?
A. General of England
B. General of Denmark
C. Prince of England
D. Prince of Denmark
“Epipsychidion” is composed by ______________?
A. Coleridge
B. Wordsworth
C. Keats
D. Shelley
The theme of Tennyson’s Poem ‘The Princess’ is ?
A. Queen Victoria’s coronation
B. Industrial Revolution
C. Women’s Education and Rights
D. Rise of Democracy
Identify the writer who used a pseudonym, Michael Angelo Titmarsh, for much of his early work ?
A. Charles Dickens
B. W. M. Thackeray
C. Graham Greene
D. D. H. Lawrence
In __________ year Shakespeare bought the largest house in Stratford, called New place ?
A. 1595
B. 1996
C. 1597
D. 15598
Shakespeare makes fun of the Puritans in his play ?
A. Twelfth Night
B. Hamlet
C. The Tempest
D. Henry IV,Pt I
“Antony and Cleopatra” and “Macbeth” was in ?
A. 1606
B. 1607
C. 1608
D. 1609
“I have no other but a woman’s reason I think him so, because I think him so” Which of Shakespeare’s play contain above lines ?
A. The two gentle men of Verona
B. Merry wives of Windsor
C. The noble Kinsman
D. Measure for measure
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