.Management Sciences
Category: James Joyce
Which writer(s) is/are associated with the Irish Literary Revival ?
A. George Russell
B. J.M. Synge
C. W.B. Yeats
D. All of the Above
In which location(s) did Joyce live while in exile ?
A. Trieste
B. Paris
C. Zurich
D. All of the Above
Who says “history is like a nightmare from which I must awake” ?
A. Leopold Bloom
B. Little Chandler
C. Joe Donnelly
D. Stephen Dedalus
Which best describes the tone at the end of “Araby ?”
A. hopeful
B. disappointed
C. joyful
D. satiric
In Finnegans Wake, to which text(s) does Joyce make an allusion ?
A. the Book of the Dead
B. the Bible
C. Vico’s La Scienza Nuova
D. All of the Above
Which of the following does Joyce address thematically in The Dubliners ?
A. the positive side of war with Germany
B. the supremacy of Britain
C. Irish nationalism
D. the Irish nation’s inability to survive without England’s help
Which of the following exemplifies the Modernist style of The Dubliners ?
A. the positive representation of cultural institutions
B. the representation of a shallow, drab culture
C. the positive representation of the Catholic Church
D. the representation of adventures the city offers to the mind
How do most critics believe Joyce’s exile affected his use of language ?
A. After his exile, he only used one “voice” in his works
B. After his exile, he disliked the intricacy of language
C. After his exile, he never used split narratives
D. After his exile, he used a mixture of languages and linguistic traditions in his works
What is the significance of the words “moocow” and “tuckoo,” according to most critics ?
A. it represents Joyce’s decision not to use stream of consciousness
B. it emulates an adult’s intellectual process
C. it captures the intellectual perceptions of a child
D. it represents Joyce’s shift to more conventional language
Who was Charles Parnell ?
A. a popular symbol of Irish nationalism
B. an Irish representative in the British Parliament
C. the founder of the Catholic Land League
D. All of the Above
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