.Management Sciences
Category: Multi-Stage Transistor Amplifiers
In an RC coupled amplifier, the voltage gain over mid-frequency range_____________?
A. Changes abruptly with frequency
B. Is constant
C. Changes uniformly with frequency
D. None of the above
If the power level of an amplifier reduces to half, the db gain will fall by___________?
A. 5 db
B. 2 db
C. 10 db
D. 3 db
In obtaining the frequency response curve of an amplifier, the______________?
A. Amplifier level output is kept constant
B. Amplifier frequency is held constant
C. Generator frequency is held constant
D. Generator output level is held constant
An advantage of RC coupling scheme is the___________?
A. Good impedance matching
B. Economy
C. High efficiency
D. None of the above
The number of stages that can be directly coupled is limited because___________?
A. Changes in temperature cause thermal instability
B. Circuit becomes heavy and costly
C. It becomes difficult to bias the circuit
D. None of the above
Transformer coupling provides high efficiency because___________?
A. Collector voltage is stepped up
B. resistance is low
C. collector voltage is stepped down
D. none of the above
In an RC coupling scheme, the coupling capacitor CC must be large enough______________?
A. To pass d.c. between the stages
B. Not to attenuate the low frequencies
C. To dissipate high power
D. None of the above
RC coupling is used for_____________amplification?
A. Voltage
B. Current
C. Power
D. None of the above
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