.Management Sciences
Category: Electronic instruments
If a multimeter has a sensitivity of 1000 O per volt and reads 50 V full scale, its internal resistance is _____________?
A. 20 kO
B. 50 kO
C. 10 kO
D. None of the above
For display of signal pattern _____________voltage is applied to the horizontal plates of a CRO?
A. Sinusoidal
B. Rectangular
C. Sawtooth
D. None of the above
A voltmeter is connected in a _____________ with the circuit component across which potential difference is to be measured?
A. Parallel
B. Series
C. Series or parallel
D. None of the above
An ammeter is connected in __________ with the circuit element whose current we wish to measure?
A. Series
B. Parallel
C. Series or parallel
D. None of the above
Which of the following is likely to have the largest resistance ?
A. Voltmeter of range 10 V
B. Moving coil galvanometer
C. Ammeter of range 1 A
D. A copper wire of length 1 m and diameter 3 mm
If the full-scale deflection current of a multimeter is 50 µA, its sensitivity is ________________?
A. 10 kO/V
B. 100 kO/V
C. 50 kO/V
D. 20 kO/V
If the negative potential on the control grid of CRT is increased, the intensity of spot _____________?
A. Is increased
B. Is decreased
C. Remains the same
D. None of the above
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