.Management Sciences
Category: The International Economy And Globalization
Economic integration ?
A. occurs when countries are granted most favored nation status
B. occurs when one country voluntarily agrees to reduce its exports to another country
C. occurs when two or more nations join to form a free-trade zone
D. Occurs when countries develop an acquired comparative advantage that makes their industries more competitive in international markets
International trade in goods and services tends to ?
A. Increase all domestic costs and prices
B. Keep all domestic costs and prices at the same level
C. Lessen the amount of competition facing home manufacturers
D. Increase the amount of competition facing home manufacturers
International trade in goods and services is sometimes used as a substitute for all of the following except ?
A. International movements of capital
B. International movements of labor
C. International movements of technology
D. Domestic production of different goods and services
International trade tends to cause welfare losses to at least some groups in a country ?
A. The less mobile the country’s resources
B. The more mobile the country’s resources
C. The lower the country’s initial living standard
The higher the country’s initial living standard
The main cause of different relative costs between countries are ?
A. relative factor competition
B. relative factor mobility
C. relative factor substitution
D. relative factor endowments
For the United States automobiles are ?
A. Imported, but not exported
B. Exported, but not imported
C. Exported and imported
D. Neither imported not exported
International trade is based on the idea that ?
A. Exports should exceed imports
B. imports should exceed exports
C. Resources are more mobile internationally than are goods
D. Resources are less mobile internationally than are goods
Which of the following is not an argument for protectionism ?
A. To protect infant industries
B. To increase the level of imports
C. To Protect strategic industries
D. To improve the balance of payments
David Ricardo’s theory in favor of free trade uses the ideal of ?
A. absolute advantage
B. mutual advantage
C. multilateral advantage
D. comparative advantage
Technological improvements are similar to international trade since they both ?
A. Provide benefits for all producers and consumers
B. Increase the nation’s aggregate income
C. Reduce unemployment for all domestic workers
D. Ensure that industries can operate at less than full capacity
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