.Management Sciences
Category: The Balance of Payments
Credit (+) items in the balance of payments correspond to anything that ?
A. involves receipts from foreigners
B. involves payments to foreigners
C. increases the domestic money supply
D. decreases the demand for foreign exchange
The U.S balance of payments is constructed by ?
A. the U.S Department of labor
B. the U.S Department of Agriculture
C. the U.S Department of commerce
D. the council of Economic Advisers to the President
Current account deficit are offset by______________?
A. merchandise trade deficits
B. merchandise trade surpluses
C. capital/financial account surpluses
D. capital/financial account deficits
The role of _______ is to direct one nation’s savings into investments of another nation?
A. merchandise trade flows
B. services flows
C. current account flows
D. capital flows
The differences between a country’s merchandise exports and its merchandise imports is the ?
A. balance of payments
B. capital account
C. current account
D. balance of trade
The balance of trade is a record of ?
A. exports and imports of financial assets
B. the current account plus capital account
C. the net export of goods and services
D. the value of merchandise exports minus imports
When a country has a trade deficit it ?
A. purchases more stocks and bonds from the rest of the world than it sells
B. purchases more goods from the rest of the world than it sells
C. sells more goods to the rest of the world than it purchases
D. sells more stocks and bonds to the rest of the world than it purchases
A nation will a current account deficit will be ?
A. lending more money to other nations
B. experiencing a surplus in exports of goods an services
C. reducing its indebtedness to other nations
D. going further into debt with other nations
In the balance of payments travels and tourism are included in the category of ?
A. unilateral transfers
B. capital account
C. merchandise account
D. services account
The current account includes ?
A. the value of trade in merchandise
B. services
C. unilateral transfers
D. All of the above
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