.Management Sciences
Category: Miscellaneous Economics Mcqs
The percentage of people around the world who lived in cities in 2005 is approximately________________?
A. 20 percent
B. 49 percent
C. 50 percent
D. 80 percent
If a broad spectrum of the population is surveyed at a given time the study is called______________?
A. longitudinal
B. inferential
C. descriptive
D. cross sectional
Durkheim,s analysis suggests that so-called primitive people__________________?
A. invented the concept of gods
B. though they were gods
C. projected their human ideals and personified them as gods
D. saw themselves as clans of animals
“Future shock”is____________?
A. a phrase used to describe an alien culture
B. the name of a famous movie dealing with a society of the future
C. a phrase used by Alvin Toffler to describe the rapidity of change
D. what the elderly experience in every society when a new generation comes into power
Which is an example of a pivotal social institution ?
A. A rock bands
B. The economy
C. A jail
D. A symphony orchestra
An outward shift of the production possibility frontier may be caused by ?
A. An increase in demand
B. More government spending
C. Better training of employees
D. Productive inefficiency
All religions once established consist of_________________?
A. beliefs rituals and organization
B. doctrine sacraments and priests
C. dogma ecclesia and faith
D. church clergy and believers
A pluralist in the U.S would maintain that___________________?
A. power is spread through multiple centers
B. policy reflects the wishes of a few elites
C. significant decisions are made by the upper classes
D. power is in the hands of a small homogeneous class of leaders
According to criminologists_______________?
A. the death penalty does act as a deterrent
B. the death penalty does not act as a deterrent
C. the death penalty is a sing of an uncivilized society
D. it is preferable to judge each criminal case individually
It is the function of Congress to_______________?
A. vote funds for conducting foreign affairs
B. conduct foreign affairs
C. unanimously approve treaties
D. decide the constitutionality of specific laws
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