.Management Sciences
Category: Miscellaneous Economics Mcqs
The global social system differs from a societal social system in that________________?
A. nations contain a variety of ethnic and racial groups
B. no global government exists
C. nations do not have common goals
D. all of the above
A society’s economic system is largely determined by its concept of________________?
A. truth
B. property
C. happiness
D. justice
The current trend in the social sciences is toward ?
A. statistical and quantitative ways of investigating human behavior
B. a totally value free approach
C. using the findings of the social sciences to reform society
D. using whatever technique seems best to fit
The emergence of the self as a result of interaction with others is a common thread in ALL BUT ONE of the following theories ?
A. Lookingglass self
B. symbolic interactionism
C. behaviorism
D. developmental theory
Foreign policy decisions may be categorized into those that are________________?
A. general
B. administrative
C. crisis
D. all of the above
The accelerator assumes ?
A. The marginal propensity to consume is constant
B. The economy is at full employment
C. There is a constant relationship between net investment and the rate of change of output
D. The multiplier is constant
Which of the following statements supports deregulation of industries ?
A. Technological change has made it possible for many industries to become more competitive
B. Because few real natural monopolies exist there is rarely a reason for government regulation
C. Many instances of government regulation have succeeded in reducing competition in industries where competition may be beneficial
D. All of the above
Aggregate demand is defined as_________________?
A. one person’s demand for goods and services
B. the lack of demand for goods and services
C. the total demand in a society or on a world level for goods and services
D. none of the above
A. shows what is proper behavior
B. helps group cohesiveness
C. promotes social change
D. all of the above
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