.Management Sciences
Category: Macroeconomic Issues and Analysis
Under floating exchange rates, expectations of higher interest rates are likely to cause an ____ of the exchange rate?
A. depreciation
B. appreciation
C. fall
D. devaluation
When capital mobility is perfect interest rate differentials will tend to be offset by ?
A. Price difference
B. balance of payments difference
C. current account differences
D. expected exchange rate changes
Which of the following is macroeconomic issue ?
A. The price of houses in karachi
B. The wage rate for plumbers in Islamabad
C. Your decision to work or stay at home
D. The level of unemployment is pakistan
Unemployment resulting from imperfect information in the labour market is called ____ unemployment?
A. Frictional
B. natural
C. real-wage
D. disequilibrium
Which of the following is not likely to be government objective ?
A. Increasing employment
B. Increasing economic growth
C. Increasing government spending
D. Increasing the level of exports
The record of country’s transfers of land inter-government payments and money sent by migrants to and from abroad is called its ?
A. balance of payments
B. capital account of the balance of payments
C. financial account of the balance of payments
D. balance of payments on current account
Which of the following can the government not use directly to control the economy ?
A. Pay rates within the private sector
B. pay rates in the public sector
C. investment in education
D. Benefits available for the unemployed and sick
If the economy is in the expansionary phase of the business cycle, aggregate demand ____ unemployment ____ inflation ____ payments is likely to move towards ____?
A. falls; rise; falls; surplus
B. is static; low; rise; deficit;
C. falls; falls; falls; surplus
D. rise; falls; rises; deficit
An individual who is not working and who has given up looking for work is classfied as ?
A. a discouraged worker:
B. unemployed.
C. hard core unemployed.
D. unemployable
The labour force can be defined as ?
A. Those who could claim benefit if they were to become unemployed.
B. The population between school leaving age and retirement age.
C. anyone who is working or actively seeking work
D. Those of working age who are seeking work and are available to for work at current wage rates.
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