.Management Sciences
Category: Long Term Economic Growth
Real business cycles are cycles in ?
A. potential output
B. actual output
C. real output
D. international trade
The business cycle describes fluctuations in output around the?
A. trend path of output
B. boom
C. recession
D. short-run fluctuations in output
The multiplier accelerator model assumes ____ depends on ______?
A. consumption expected future profits
B. investment, interest rates
C. investment expected future profits
D. stock building interest rates
Real business cycle theory suggests that ____ not important in explaining short-term fluctuations around actual output ?
A. aggregate supply is
B. aggregate demand is
C. potential output is
D. real variables are
Economic growth is important because ?
A. People want less crime
B. People want to be happier
C. People want a better environment
D. People want higher incomes and more consumer goods.
All of the following are parts of the business cycle except ?
A. boom
B. slump
C. recovery
D. acceleration
The golden-rule saving rate is the rate of saving that ?
A. gets the highest rate of interest
B. maximizes the level of long-run investment
C. maximizes the level of long-run consumption
D. maximizes human capital
Economic growth may depend upon _____ and _____?
A. Population size, x-efficiency
B. Population age distribution, education
C. Population growth technical progress
D. Population growth education
GDP per head may be an imperfect measure of economic welfare because it excludes ?
A. the value of leisure
B. Externalities
C. Untraded goods
D. Change in the distribution of income
E. All of the above
The business cycle is not transmitted from one country to another through ?
A. private sector imports and exports
B. economic policy
C. the duration of compulsory education
D. labor supply changes
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