.Management Sciences
Category: Economic Development in Historical Perspective
More than seventy percent of the population of fast g: owers lives in ?
A. China
B. United States
C. Russia
D. Europe
The 1993 World Bank study entitled The East Asian Miracle (1993) identifies eight high performing Asian economies Which of the following is not one of them ?
A. Japan
B. Four tigers
C. Vietnam
D. Thailand
Perestroika in the former Soviet Union refers to ?
A. total market reliance for resource allocation
B. economic restructuring by Gorbachev
C. intensified central planning
D. None of the above
On what did the Russian Soviet development model of growth not depend ?
A. diverting savings from agriculture to industry
B. state assisted entrepreneurs
C. state monopolized trading
D. markets for allocating resources
Based on the 2010 population survey four of the five most populous countries include ?
A. Russia, Pakistan Bangladesh and Nigeria
B. China, India, Indonesia, and Brazil
C. Russia, China, India, and South Africa
D. China, Russia, Mexico, and Indonesia
Two countries that still rely on the Soviet communist model of development are ?
A. Ghana and Nigeria
B. Poland and Germany
C. Cuba and North Korea
D. China and Hong Kong
Asian tigers or newly industrializing countries (NICs) of East and Southeast Asia include the following except ?
A. South Korea
B. China
C. Taiwan
D. Singapore
Based on Mankiw Romer and Weil (1992) with conditional convergence holding fertility rates, education and government spending as a share of GDP constant ?
A. income per capita is the same regardless of poor or rich countries
B. income per capita in poor countries grows faster than in rich countries
C. income per capita in rich countries grows faster than in poor countries
D. income per capita in poor countries grows conditional upon foreign aid
Which two countries have enjoyed a real per capita growth rate of more than 7% yearly since the 1960s ?
A. Ghana and Mexico
B. Canada and the United States
C. Sierra Leone and Nigeria
D. Taiwan and South Korea
The 1993 World Bank study entitled The East Asian Miracle identifies eight high performing Asian economies. Which of the following is not one of them ?
A. Japan
B. The four tigers
C. Vietnam
D. Thailand
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