.Management Sciences
Category: Dental Cements
Ethoxy benzoic acid increases the strength and solubility of the cement______________?
A. Zinc oxide eugenol
B. Polycarboxylate cement
C. Zinc phosphate cement
D. Silicate cement
Thermal conductivity of which material is close to dentin____________?
A. Amalgam
B. Silicate
C. Composite resin
D. Cavity varnish
Which of the following cements is most kind to pulp ?
A. Glass ionomer
B. Polycarboxylate
C. Silicate
D. Resin cement
Increased amount of powder in zinc phosphate cement mixture will cause_______________?
A. Decreased strength
B. Decreased film thickness
C. Decreased solubility
D. Increased setting time
What is the working time of zinc polyacrylate cement ?
A. 1 Minutes
B. 2 Minutes
C. 3 Minutes
D. 4 Minutes
The logical explanation for the unique anticariogenic property of most silicate cements is______________?
A. The reduction in enamel solubility due to fluoride uptake by enamel
B. That beryllium flux is used in silicates
C. That silicates show very little leakage at the margins of the restoration
D. Due to the high silica content
The setting of zinc phosphate is accelerated by_____________?
A. Adding a drop of water
B. Increasing mixing time
C. Cooling the slab
D. Adding a drop of oleic acid
The main components is sillicophosphate cement________________?
A. Zinc phosphate and GIC
B. Silicate and GIC
C. ZOE and Silicate
D. Zinc phosphate and SIlicate
Best marginal seal is provided by____________?
A. Zinc phosphate
B. Zinc oxide eugenol
C. Gutta-percha
D. Resin
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