.Management Sciences
Category: Amalgams
Which of the following statement is true regarding lathe cut low Copper silver alloy ?
A. Requires least amount of mercury
B. Achieves high compressive strength at 1 hr.
C. Has tensile strength both at 15 minutes and 7 days is comparable to high copper, unicompositional alloys
D. Has lower cree value
Finishing and polishing of Amalgam make the restoration______________?
A. Increase in tarnish and corrosion resistance
B. Increase the marginal strength
C. Decrease the tarnish and corrosion resistance
D. Increased compressive strength
Cavo surface angle for amalgam resoration is butt joint as____________?
A. It increases compresssive and tensile strengths
B. Decreased compressive, increased strength
C. Decreased compressive, decrease tensile strength
D. Increased compressive, increased tensile strength
Cause of expansion in zinc containing amalgam is_____________?
A. Zinc and water
B. Water
C. Hydrogen
D. Nascent oxygen
Setting time of Amalgam is best controlled by _______________?
A. Using spherical particles
B. Lathe cut alloy
C. Altering Hg-Alloy ratio
D. Trituration time
Over-trituration of silver alloy and mercury_______________?
A. Reduces contraction
B. Increases the strength of lathe cut alloy but reduces the strength of spherical alloy amalgam
C. Decreases creep
D. Gives al dull and crumbly amalgam
What is the most frequently used restorative material ?
A. Silicate
B. Amalgam
C. Composite
D. Gold
Amalgam restorations give the best clinical service when the residual mercury content is_______________?
A. 38-42%
B. 48-52%
C. 58-62%
D. 68-72%
Absorption of mercury in the human body occurs least from_____________?
A. Lungs
B. Gastro-intestinal Track
C. Skin
D. Kidneys
Ag-Cu eutectic alloy has a characteristic Property of that fusion temp of_____________?
A. The resultant alloy is greater
B. The resultant alloy is lesser
C. The resultant alloy varies according to the content of Ag of Cu
D. None of the above
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