.Management Sciences
Category: Microsoft Word Mcqs
The _________, or typeface, defines the appearance and shape of letters, numbers, and special characters in Word Document.
A. font
B. font size
C. point
D. paragraph formatting
Ctrl + G Shortcut is used in Microsoft Word for_____________?
A. Open Paragraph Dialog box activating Goto Tab
B. Open Page Setup Dialog box activating Goto Tab
C. Open Find and Replace Dialog box with activating Goto Tab
D. Open Goto Dialog box
If you will be displaying or printing your document in Ms Word on another computer, you’ll want to make sure and select the _____________ option under the ‘Save’ tab.
A. Embed True Type Fonts
B. Embed Fonts
C. Save True Type Fonts
D. Save Fonts
When you point to a text entry in the Office Clipboard gallery in the Clipboard task pane, ___________.
A. the first several characters of text in the item display as a ScreenTip
B. the text entry is deleted from the Office Clipboard gallery
C. the text entry is pasted into the document at the location of the insertion point
D. all of the above
What happens when you click on Insert >> Picture >> Clip Art?
A. It inserts a clip Art picture into document
B. It lets you choose clip Art to insert into document
C. It opens Clip Art taskbar
D. None of the above
Ctrl + M Shortcut is used in Microsoft Word to____________?
A. New Document
B. Close Document
C. Right Indent
D. Left Indent
Which of the following helps to reduce spelling error in the document?
A. Auto Format
B. Auto Correct
C. Smart Tags
D. Auto Text
The paragraph mark (¶) is a formatting mark that indicates where the ________ was pressed
A. Tab key
B. Spacebar
C. Enter key
D. Shift key
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