.Management Sciences
Category: Microsoft PowerPoint Mcqs
Which of the following views is the best view to use when setting transition effects for all slides in a presentation
A. Slide sorter view
B. Notes page view
C. Slide view
D. Outline view
In normal view, how can you quickly change to handout master view?
A. Click the outline tab and select handout master view
B. Press the shift key and click the handout master view button
C. On the view menu, click slide sorter, and click handouts.
D. All of above
Which command select all object at one time when selecting multiple objects to be deleted?
A. Alt + a
B. Ctrl + a
C. Shift + Enter
D. Edit, Select All
The size of the organization chart object is _____________?
A. Is determined by the presentation design and can not be changed
B. Is determined by the presentation design but can be changed in PowerPoint
C. Is dependent on the amount of text within the organization chart
D. b and c
Material consisting of text and numbers is best presented as_____________?
A. A table slide
B. A bullet slide
C. A title slide
D. All of above
What is a slide-title master pair?
A. The title area and text area of a specific slide
B. a slide master and title master merged into a single slide
C. A slide master and title master for a specific design template
D. All of above
If you have a PowerPoint show you created and want to send using email to another teacher you can add the show to your email message as a (an)____________?
A. Inclusion
B. Attachment
C. Reply
D. Forward
which of the following should you use if you want all the slides in the presentation to have the same look?
A. The slid layout option
B. The add a slide option
C. Outline view
D. A presentation design template
Current affairs
Who is current foreign secretary of pakistan 1..tahmeena janjua. 2.sohail mehmood 3.azaz khan. 4.malha loodhi
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