.Management Sciences
Category: Water Supply Engineering
In slow sland filters, the turbidity of raw water can be removed only up to_________________?
A. 60 mg/litre
B. 75 mg/litre
C. 100 gm/litre
D. 150 mg/litre
By boiling water, hardness can be removed if it is due to_________________?
A. calcium sulphate
B. magnesium sulphate
C. calcium nitrate
D. calcium bicarbonate
E. none of these
The underground sources of water, is from______________?
Pick up the incorrect statement from the following?
A. wells
B. springs
C. infiltration wells
D. storage reservoirs
E. none of these
Time of concentration________________?
A. is the time taken, for precipitation
B. duration of rainfall.
C. time taken for all the ran off to reach the drain
D. time taken for the storm water to travel from the most remote point to the drain
For determining the velocity of flow of underground water, the most commonly used non-empirical formula is________________?
A. Darcy’s formula
B. Slichter’s formula
C. Hazen’s formula
D. Lacy’s formula
The fire demand of a city may be worked out by _________________?
A. Kuichling’s formula
B. Freeman formula
C. Under Writers formula
D. Bustan’s formula
E. All the above.
Acidity in water is caused due to_______________?
A. Mineral acids
B. Free CO2
C. Iron sulphate
D. Aluminium sulphate
E. All the above
As per IS : 1172-1963, water required per head per day for average domestic purposes, is_______________?
A. 50 litres
B. 65 litres
C. 85 litres
D. 105 litres
E. 135 litres
The least thickness of class B cast iron (spun) pipe, is_________________?
A. 7.2 mm
B. 7.9 mm
C. 8.6 mm
D. 10 mm
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