.Management Sciences
Category: Waste Water Engineering
The sewage treatment in septic tanks is due to__________________?
A. Anaerobic decomposition
B. Aerobic decomposition
C. Parasitic decomposition
D. None of these
hydraulically equivalent, the relationship which holds good, is _______________?
A. D8/3 = 4 b8/3
B. D3/8 = 4 b3/8
C. D2/3 = 4 b2/3
D. D3/2 = 4 b3/2
House connections to the laterals is generally made by___________________?
A. R.C.C.
B. P.C.C.
C. Cast iron
D. Glazed stonewares
A manhole is classified as shallow if its depth is between_________________?
A. 0.4 to 0.5 m
B. 0.5 to 0.7 m
C. 0.7 to 0.9 m
D. 0.9 to 1.20 m
The non-clog pump which permits solid matter to pass out with the liquid sewage, is________________?
A. Centrifugal pump
B. Reciprocating pump
C. Pneumatic ejector
D. None of these
Which one of the following statements regarding septic tanks is wrong ?
A. A gap of 7.5 cm between the bottom of the covering slab and the top level of scum is provided
B. The outlet invert level is kept 5 to 7.5 cm below the inlet invert level
C. The minimum width of septic level is 90 cm
D. The depth of tank is kept equal to its width
For estimating the peak run off the rational formula Q = 0.0278 KpA was evolved by______________?
A. Kinchling
B. Lloyd Davis
C. Frubling
D. All the above
The width of a rectangular sewer is twice its depth while discharging 1.5 m/sec. The width of the sewer is______________?
A. 0.68 m
B. 0.88 m
C. 1.36 m
D. 1.76 m
A sewer pipe contains 1 mm sand particles of specific gravity 2.65 and 5 mm organic particles of specific gravity 1.2, the minimum velocity required for removing the sewerage, is_____________________?
A. 0.30 m/sec
B. 0.35 m/sec
C. 0.40 m/sec
D. 0.45 m/sec
Facultative bacteria survive in_____________________?
A. The presence of oxygen
B. The absence of oxygen
C. Both cases A. and B.
D. Neither A. nor B.
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