.Management Sciences
Category: RCC Structures Design
The effective width of a column strip of a flat slab, is_______________?
A. One-fourth the width of the panel
B. Half the width of the panel
C. Radius of the column
D. Diameter of the column
The angle of repose of a soil is the maximum angle which the outer face of the soil mass makes_______________?
A. With the horizontal
B. With the vertical
C. With the perpendicular to the inclined plane of the soil
D. None of these
Columns may be made of plain concrete if their unsupported lengths do not exceed their least lateral dimension_______________?
A. Two times
B. Three times
C. Four times
D. Five times
A raft foundation is provided if its area exceeds the plan area of the building by______________?
A. 10 %
B. 20 %
C. 40 %
D. 50 %
If the depth of actual neutral axis of a doubly reinforced beam______________?
A. Is greater than the depth of critical neutral axis, the concrete attains its maximum stress earlier
B. Is less than the depth of critical neutral axis, the steel in the tensile zone attains its maximum stress earlier
C. Is equal to the depth of critical neutral axis; the concrete and steel attain their maximum stresses simultaneously
D. All the above
The minimum number of main steel bars provided in R.C.C________________?
A. Rectangular columns is 4
B. Circular columns is 6
C. Octagonal columns is 8
D. All the above
If the ratio of long and short spans of a two way slab with corners held down is r, the actual reduction of B.M. is given by
A. (5/6) (r/1 + r²) M
B. (5/6) (r²/1 + r²) M
C. (5/6) (r²/1 + r3) M
D. (5/6) (r²/1 + r4) M
Design of a two way slab simply supported on edges and having no provision to prevent the corners from lifting, is made by_________________?
A. Rankine formula
B. Marcus formula
C. Rankine Grashoff formula
D. Grashoff formula
An R.C.C. lintel is spanning an opening of 2 m span in a brick wall. The height of the roof is 2.9 m above the floor level and that of the opening is 2.1 m above the floor level. The lintel is to be designed for self weight plus_______________?
A. Triangular load of the wall
B. UDL of wall
C. UDL of wall + load from the roof
D. Triangular load + load from the roof
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