Category: Hydraulics and Fluid Mechanics

Choose the wrong statement ?

A. The center of buoyancy is located at the center of gravity of the displaced liquid
B. For stability of a submerged body, the center of gravity of body must lie directly below the center of buoyancy
C. If e.g. and center of buoyancy coincide, the submerged body must lie at neutral equilibrium for all positions
D. For stability of floating cylinders or spheres, the e.g. of body must lie below the center of buoyancy
E. All floating bodies are stable

Choose the wrong statement?

A. any weight, floating or immersed in a liquid, is acted upon by a buoyant force
B. Buoyant force is equal to the weight of the liquid displaced
C. The point through which buoyant force acts, is called the center of buoyancy
D. Center of buoyancy is located above the center of gravity of the displaced liquid v
E. Relative density of liquids can be determined by means of the depth of flotation of hydrometer