.Management Sciences
Category: Environmental Engineering
Period of cleaning of slow sand filters is about________________?
A. 24 – 48 hours
B. 10-12 days
C. 2-3 months
D. 1-2 year
Dissolved oxygen in streams is______________?
A. maximum at noon
B. minimum at noon
C. maximum at midnight
D. same throughout the day
Composting and lagooning are the methods of_______________?
A. sludge digestion
B. sludge disposal
C. sedimentation
D. filtration
Sewage treatment units are designed for_______________?
A. maximum flow only
B. minimum flow only
C. average flow only
D. maximum and minimum flow
The depression of water table in a well due to pumping will be maximum_______________?
A. at a distance R from the well
B. close to the well
C. at a distance R/2 from the well
D. none of the above
where R is the radius of influence
The settling velocity of a particle in a sedimentation tank increases if______________?
A. particle size is decreased
B. the surface area of tank is increased
C. the depth of tank is decreased
D. none of the above
As compared to geometrical increase method of forecasting population, arithmetical increase method gives________________?
A. lesser value
B. higher value
C. same value
D. accurate value
An egg shaped section of sewer________________?
A. is economical than circular section
B. provides self cleansing velocity at low discharges
C. is more stable than circular section
D. is easy to construct
The maximum efficiency of BOD removal is achieved in______________?
A. oxidation pond
B. oxidation ditch
C. aerated lagoons
D. trickling filters
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