.Management Sciences
Category: Applied Mechanics and Graphic Statics
A particle is executing simple harmonic motion in a line 1.0 m long. If the time of one complete vibration is 1 sec, then the maximum velocity of the particle is___________________?
A. 1.00 m/sec
B. 1.57 m/sec
C. 3.14 m/sec
D. 6.28 m/sec
A rigid body is in a stable equilibrium if the application of any force__________________?
A. can raise the CG of the body but can not lower it
B. tends to lower the CG of the body
C. neither raises nor lowers the CG of the body
D. none of above
The dimensions of centrifugal force are__________________?
A. M1 L2 T2
B. M’L’T1
C. M’L’T2
D. M’L-‘T2
A stone is thrown vertically upwards with a vertical velocity of 49 m/sec. It returns to the ground in________________?
A. 5 sec
B. 8 sec
C. 10 sec
D. 20 sec
Intrinisic equation of catenary is given by____________________?
A. S = C tan q>
B. S = C cos cp
C. S = C sin cp
D. S = C cot <p
where C is some constant
If A is the amplitude of particle executing simple harmonic motion, then the total energy E of the particle is___________________?
A. proportional to A
B. proportional to A2
C. proportional to 1/A2
D. independent of A
When two forces, each equal to P, act at 90° to each other, then the resultant will be_____________?
A. P
B. PV2
C. P/V2
D. 2P
Williot-Mohr diagram is used to determine deflection in__________________?
A. trusses only
B. beam only
C. rigid frames only
D. any type of structure
A sphere and a cylinder having the same mass and radii start from rest and roll down the same inclined plane. Which body gets to the bottom first ?
A. sphere with greater rotational energy at bottom than cylinder
B. sphere with lesser rotational energy at bottom than cylinder
C. cylinder with greater rotational energy at bottom than sphere
D. both reach the bottom simultaneously with equal rotational energy at bottom
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